Areas of expertise
Projects in the creative industries
Projects in other industries that can benefit from practices and knowledge applied in the creative industries
Strategy and management style in project management
Creativity development, methods and processes
Methods and processes for personal growth and change of perception
Divergent, integrative and holistic analysis
Objectives and learning outcomes
Know how to manage projects professionally
Know how to develop and use your innate creativity
Know how to identify and reflect on your management style and strategy
Identify the perspective from where choices are made
Target groups
Private organisations | Companies | Corporations
Educational institutions | Schools | Universities
Public organisations | Parlament
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
Interest groups | clubs | circle of friends | family groups
Individual coaching for any person who can benefit from project management methods, development of creativity and reflection on her/his management style and strategy
Lifespark by Natalia - an invitation to reconnect with the gentle whispers of the heart, the source of creative vision and fulfillment!
Within each of us lies an intrinsic urge to reconnect with our heart. This profound aspect of our being knows our true purpose and guides us toward fulfillment and balance. Essentially, this urge manifests in creative desires, in love, and in the drive to express ourselves fully. Through connecting with our heart, we gain access to inner wisdom that steers us toward a life that is authentic and whole.
However, in our daily lives, the ego, or physical mind, tends to take control, reinforcing beliefs that limit us and creating a sense of disconnection. Though its role is to help us focus on the physical world, the ego can become so dense that it acts from fear and a need for control, taking on responsibilities that aren’t its own and generating stress and anxiety.
When we rely solely on the ego, we may confuse fulfillment with external experiences rather than delving into our internal connection. The heart, by contrast, sees the entire path and guides us toward the manifestation of our desires fluidly and effortlessly, allowing us to live in harmony with our true purpose.
Imagination is the channel that connects our physical mind with the heart. By opening ourselves to our intuition and creativity, we receive the inspiration and guidance necessary to live in alignment with our purpose. Cultivating this connection requires us to distinguish between genuine enthusiasm, which comes from the heart, and anxiety disguised as enthusiasm, which emanates from the ego. This is possible through moments of stillness and inner connection, where we silence the ego and open ourselves to the wisdom of our heart.
By learning to release control and allow the heart to guide us, we live in a state of greater freedom, creativity, and harmony. In this balance, the ego serves its role as support, while we let our heart orchestrate the path to our desires in the most elevated and authentic way.
To book a session (in person or online) please write me an email to