Areas of expertise
Projects in the creative industries
Projects in other industries that can benefit from practices and knowledge applied in the creative industries
Strategy and management style in project management
Creativity development, methods and processes
Methods and processes for personal growth and change of perception
Divergent, integrative and holistic analysis
Objectives and learning outcomes
Know how to manage projects professionally
Know how to develop and use your innate creativity
Know how to identify and reflect on your management style and strategy
Identify the perspective from where choices are made
Target groups
Private organisations | Companies | Corporations
Educational institutions | Schools | Universities
Public organisations | Parlament
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
Interest groups | clubs | circle of friends | family groups
Individual coaching for any person who can benefit from project management methods, development of creativity and reflection on her/his management style and strategy
In the Media Composition and Applied Music master I had the opportunity to compose for film, television, theater, advertising, logos, orchestra, big band, radio drama and radio art. It is a very colorful and interesting study, where I could develop myself in different fields.

The short film "AH" is a film by Joris Bacquet, Bastien Dubois and Simon Moreau. I composed this music for the "Transatlantyk Young Composer Award", organized at the Oscar winner Jan A.P. Kaczmarek (Finding Neverland) at the Transatlantyk Film Music Competition in 2011. My film music (together with an excerpt from "Get Low") was nominated for the award and awarded with a "Special Award". On the one hand I tried to interpret the actions in the picture musically, and on the other hand to establish an own sound world for the soup. For the realization I recorded a flute, a trombone and my voice. I then manipulated the recorded sounds in Pro Tools.
This radio play was composed within the framework of the class evening "Kitchen Concrete" 2011. The task was to compose a radio play with recorded sounds on the theme of "cuisine". My idea was to ask a question to different cooks in the first district and record them. The question was: "what does the kitchen in this restaurant sound like?" . I then manipulated the recorded interviews in Pro Tools. Sounds, spoken words (eventually small sentences) as well as restaurant atmos are the main elements of my radio play.
As part of our "Film music and sound design" class night in 2009 I have chosen this short film from blublu. Since it is all drawn on the street, I decided to use dry sounds. It was also an opportunity to get to know the sound libraries. I chose some sounds, and manipulated them in Pro Tools. I tried to interpret the actions in the image. In the background you can hear alienated street atmos.
speaking (2011) is a piece for choir, children's choir and symphony orchestra. My main idea was "the stutter" and more precisely "a child who stutters".I tried to interpret the following states in the music: inner restlessness, frustration, anxiety, giving up, anger, interruption.
In 2009 I was asked if I could make the title music for Latino TV Austria. They wanted music that would attract as much attention as possible. I made a Latino cliché music, so that everyone recognizes that it is about Latin America.
As part of the cooperation project with the Max Reinhardt Seminar in 2008, I composed a piece for trumpet (in B-flat), bass trumpet (in C), tenor-bass trombone, bass trombone, soprano and speaker. I have chosen a biblical text. An excerpt from the Book of Revelation. I destroyed the text and divided the words between soprano and speaker, e.g. the soprano says "Hi" and the speaker "mmel". Because the content is not understandable, I tried to express it with the music.
I composed this piece as part of Wien Modern Composers Marathon III 2008 (Festival for Young Contemporary Music). My intention was to make a piece for prepared piano. I tried different sounds on the sides of the piano. Composed this piece after improvising on the piano, it is very intuitive. Chords that I just liked, sounds that I found beautiful. I gave space to the different new "found" sounds, to let them fade away. Today I can say that it has been a "research" piece.
As part of the project "Kreuz Klang" by Johannes Kretz and Hanns Stekel, I have reconstructed an old flute piece and composed a recording for it. The playback was made from the recording of the flute piece from 2005. The piece has three parts: Quiet - Active - Quiet. I tried different playing techniques on the flute and tried to combine them into one piece.
As part of the music theater project "Fermata" in 2010, I composed the scene "the bird". A piece for string quartet, mezzo-soprano and baritone. Libretto by Verena Joos. I was inspired by the text. Where the dialogue was rather calm I used lying sounds. Where the dialogue became rather impatient, the music was also restless. The tone selection was the overtone series of C (in the viola and cello) and the overtone series of G (violin I and II). The mezzo-soprano always sings on the even pitches. The baritone on the odd beats. The mezzo has melodic lines. The baritone is more resitative and sings in an uncomfortable position because he is not comfortable with the dialogue.
As part of our "Film Music and Sound Design" class night in 2009, I chose this excerpt. It was my first encounter with sound design. I tried to make the sound design as in a dream as possible. With the film music I tried to musicalize the situation. The tension through the strings, an irregular pulse (bass drum) that conveys the feeling of "lost" and the woodwind melody as part of the dream world.
As part of our cooperation project with the Film Academy, I composed the music for Michael Podogil's short film. He wanted an unobtrusive, preferably waltz-like music that comes from the radio. As a counterpoint to the "not beautiful" pictures I composed a "beautiful - happy" music.
I composed "Does it?" as part of the "Big Band Event III" in 2008. It was my first exposure to the world of jazz. I tried different styles. There are two main themes that appear in the different styles. I have different soloists improvising in each style.
As part of the radio art course with Andrea Sodomka, we made a group production in the ORF studio. The task was to make a radio art composition on the theme of "outer space". My idea was to artificially reproduce the sound of the Big Bang: "Energy bubbles like in a champagne glass. Matter concentrates and expands in space for the first time. Does acoustic sound exist at all in space? Might the BigBang still be sounding?"
I composed "NOmad" for the "Big Band Event IV" in 2011. This time I wanted to compose a Funk - Latin piece. There is a melody that travels through the piece like nomads. The actual tonality does not appear: "you are not at home" but you feel good.
I composed this music for the "Transatlantyk Young Composer Award", organized by the Oscar winner Jan A.P. Kaczmarek (Finding Neverland) in the framework of the Transatlantyk Film Music Competition in 2011. My film music (together with the short film "AH") was nominated for the award and received a "Special Award". My intention was to compose a music in "Hollywood" style. I tried to interpret the feelings of "sadness, abandonment, nostalgia".